MATLAB: Hidden Markov Models

We can model things with Markov Chains. But sometimes we don’t have access to the full information.

For instance, we observe the movements of a stock price. Price changes follow some trends of the economy, but we don’t get to see the state of the economy, which is too big and complicated.

\[\begin{matrix} H_1 & \rightarrow & H_2 & \rightarrow & \cdots & \rightarrow & H_{T-1} & \rightarrow & H_T & \rightarrow \\ \downarrow & & \downarrow & & & & \downarrow & & \downarrow \\ V_1 & & V_2 & & \cdots & & V_{T-1} & & V_T \end{matrix}\]

In a Hidden Markov Model, we have a first order stationary process \(H_1, H_2, \ldots\)

  • These can be in a finite number of spaces
  • These have transition probabilities

On top of this, there is a mechanism that produces variables \(V\), which are observable - \(H\) variables are hidden.

In other words, only \(V_T\) is impacted by other variables through \(H_T\)

Use cases of Hidden Markov Models

Speech Recognition

Assuming a sound recording. We want to recover the text from the sounds. Now, text follows a Markov Chain very closely.

Speech can be thought of as emissions from text. We can easily find the parameters of this Markov Chain

Join Distribution

Here is a Hidden Markov Chain with:

  • Hidden states \(s_1, s_2, s_3\)
  • Transition probabilities \(p\)
  • Emission probabilities \(b\) (found from the emission matrix \(B\))
\[\begin{matrix} \text{time} && 1 && 2 && 3 && 4 \\ &&&& p_{3,1} &&&& p_{2,1} \\ \text{hidden states} & s_1 & \circ && \bullet && \circ && \bullet \\ &&&&& \searrow & p_{1,2} & \nearrow \\ & s_2 & \circ & \nearrow & \circ && \bullet && \circ \\ \\ & s_3 & \bullet && \circ && \circ && \circ \\ \\ \text{emission probabilities} && b_{3,2} && b_{1,2} && b_{2,1} && b_{1,3} \\ && \Downarrow && \Downarrow && \Downarrow && \Downarrow \\ \text{emission} && x_2 && x_2 && x_1 && x_3 \end{matrix}\]

we calcuate the probability of join state as:

\[\mathbb{P}(H_1 = s_3, H_2 = s_1, H_3 = s_2, H_4 = s_1, V_1 = x_2, V_2 = x_2, V_3 = x_1, V_4 = x_3) \\ = p_3^{\text{initial}} p_{3,1} p_{1,2} p_{2,1} p_{3,2} b_{1,2} b_{2,1} b_{1,3}\]


Filtering problems are about finding the final states of the HMM.

Suppose we have the following observations:

\[v_1, v_2, \ldots, v_T\]

We want to find the following probability for all states \(H_T = s_i\):

\[\mathbb{P}(H_T = s_i, v_1, \ldots, v_T)\]

Naive Approach

To do this, we just sum over all paths that end in \(H_T = s_i\)

But if there are \(N\) states, then there are \(N^{T-1}\) paths in the chain. So there is actually a better way of doing this.


We are interested in the probability alpha, which is:

\[\alpha_T(i) = \mathbb{P}(H_T = s_i, v_1, \ldots, v_T)\] \[\begin{matrix} \text{time} & & \cdots && T-1 && T \\ &&&&&p_{i,j} & \tiny \leftarrow \text{(transition probability)} \\ \text{hidden states} &&&& \bullet & \searrow &&& \\ \\ &&&& \bullet & \rightarrow & \bullet s_j \\ \\ &&&& \bullet & \nearrow &&& \\ \\ \text{emission} && \cdots && V_{T-1} && V_T \end{matrix}\]

Now for each alpha we need \(N\) operations and there are \(NT\) values of alpha - much better than \(N^{T-1}\)!

\[\mathbb{P}(H_T = s_i, v_1,...,v_T) = \alpha_T = \mathbb{P}(V_t|s_j)\sum_{i=1}^N \alpha_{T-1}(i)p_{i,j}\]

This sort of trick goes under the name of dynamic programming (=optimisation).

MATLAB Implementation

function a = alpha_dynamic(M,p,B,v)
% ALPHA DYNAMIC(M,p,B,v) calculates the matrix of alpha's the
% hmm with transition matrix M, emission matrix B, and initial
% probabilities p, given the observations v

    [np, ~]     = size(p);
    [N, ~]      = size(M);
    T           = length(v);
    %initialise alphas
    a           = zeros(N,T);
    % making sure p is a column
    if np == 1
        p = p'; 
    % alpha 1 from initial probability
    a(:,1) = p.*B(:,v(1));
    %subsequent alphas
    for t = 2:T
        a(:,t) = M' * a(:,t-1) .* B(:,v(t));


\[M = \left( \begin{matrix} 0.8 & 0.2 \\ 0.3 & 0.7 \end{matrix} \right) \quad B = \left( \begin{matrix} 0.3 & 0.4 & 0.1 & 0.2 \\ 0.2 & 0.2 & 0.3 & 0.3 \end{matrix} \right) \quad p = \left( \begin{matrix} 0.4 \\ 0.6 \end{matrix} \right)\]

Observations in the sequence:

\[x_4, x_1, x_2\]


\[\begin{matrix} & 1 & 2 & 3 \\ s_1 & 0.08 & 0.0354 & 0.0147 \\ s_2 & 0.18 & 0.0284 & 0.0054 \end{matrix}\]
